Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Becky "Icebox" O'Shea is Hot

This is my first post and it goes out to one of the participants in the greatest play in the history of Pee-Wee football. This isn't the Icebox you remember.

If you thought the hottest girl in Urbania, Ohio would end up being that little blond head cheerleader Debbie O'Shea, you were dead wrong. It's been 13 years since the epic journey of the Little Giants, and time (and puberty) has been very kind to Shawna Waldron.

Maybe she decided to ditch the flannel shirts and combat boots after her football days. Maybe she got Junior Floyd after all. Maybe Spike Hammersmith ended up testing positive from stimulants after the O'Shea Bowl.

Thirteen years can change a lot. The hottest girl in your 6th grade class (the one with the sweater puppies) never ends up being the hottest girl at your 10 year high school reunion. Icebox is proof that turds can, in fact, be polished.

It's hard to believe that this came from Rick Moranis' penis.

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